We provide comprehensive care for all problems affecting the Foot, Ankle and Lower Leg. Whether it is a sprain or strain, painful toenails or a fracture we've got you covered. Below is a small sample size of some of the common conditions we treat with a brief explanation. If you are experiencing these symptoms, please feel free to click on the link to learn more and then click the button below to schedule an appointment!
You can be assured – we have a commitment to excellence when it comes to the level of care we provide.
Your Achilles Tendon is the strongest tendon in your body. It can become painful from a number of reasons. Most often it is from overuse, bone spurs (Haglund's Deformity), or partial or complete tearing/rupture. Sometimes pain can be a combination of an Achilles that is too short functionally and one of the above pathologies.
A sometimes painful bony bump at the base of the big toe joint (metatarsal-phalangeal joint) that leads to the big toe pushing against the second toe. This is a progressive disorder and over time can lead to pain, arthritis and other forefoot deformities.
Hammertoes are contractures of one or both knuckles of the lesser toes of the foot. This contracture can be painful mostly from pressure to the prominent knuckles from shoe gear, or the tips of the toes from contacting the ground. The most common cause is muscle/tendon imbalance. Hammertoes can be either flexible or rigid.
Athlete's Foot is a fungal infection affecting the skin of your foot. It usually affects the bottom of your foot seen as red, flaky, itchy, dry skin that does not go past the bottom (plantar) surface. It is also commonly seen as as moist, white skin in between the toes. Sweating is often associated with it, which may lead to foul odor.
A complex and variable disorder that leads to a lowering of arch height. This can stem from disorders of the soft tissues, bones or both. Often progressive in nature, and not always symptomatic. Can range from flexible to rigid, and may also involve the ankle joint.
Ingrown Toenails occur from the nail curving and growing into the skin. This can lead to breaks in the skin leading to infection, pain, drainage and changes to the skin. These can be caused by heredity, trauma, improper cutting of the nails, improper tight shoes, or possibly underlying nail conditions.
A sprain is an injury to one or more ligaments of the ankle. This occurs most often from a twisting type injury to the ankle. It can lead to instability and an inability to bare weight to the affected limb. Occasionally, these injuries can lead to fractures, tendon injuries and in rare cases nerve damage.
Toenails naturally thicken as we age. Occasionally thickness can result from trauma to the nail from dropping something on it, bumping it, etc. Toenail thickness frequently occurs from a fungal infection that leads to white, yellowish, flaky, sometimes foul smelling debris underneath the nail. This is called Onychomycosis. This often occurs in conjunction with Athlete's Foot.
Neuromas are a thickening of nerves. In the foot it is most often seen between the 3rd and 4th toes, but can occur between any of the toes. They often lead to numbness and radiating pain to the toes affected, and often feel like a "bunched up sock" under the toes. Causes are various, but it is most often associated with the usage of high heel shoes.
Heel pain, that is sometimes referred to as Heel Spur Syndrome, is actually an inflammation of a long band of tissue that extends from the heel to the toes. Pain is felt usually to the bottom of the heel but can be felt in the arches. Pain is worse after long periods of sitting or on the first step of the day. This usually occurs, and worsens over a long period of time.
Ulcers are a breakdown of the outer layers of the skin leading to deeper layers of tissue becoming exposed. These can be caused by diabetes, vascular disease, pressure or swelling. They can lead to infections of the skin and bones, and can in worst case scenarios lead amputations.
Plantar warts are a viral infection that leads to thickening of the skin on the bottom of the foot. These often resemble callus and sometimes can become painful. Often you will see tiny black dots in the center of the lesion. Can be solitary or multiple. Caused by a virus in the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) family.